Who’s Next?

We do stuff

We’re a can’t stop/won’t stop team of web designers, video producers, digital dreamers and branding experts.

We nerd out. We build stuff. We laugh. We work hard. We eat. We coffee. We innovate. We celebrate.

We’re more than a business service. We build BRANDS

When many people think of advertising, they think of online, magazine ads, TV commercials, radio spots and billboards. We think it’s anything that helps our clients engage with their customers. That’s our job. And we make creative content that makes that happen. Then we think of ways to distribute that creative content. It might be through an online film, a banner ad, a tweet or…something we haven’t even imagined yet.

Every GearShift employee, and every client we have and attract in the future, needs to understand that while traditional media advertising is important and we do it as well as anyone, what’s even more important is the work that surrounds the traditional stuff. This is how better brands are now built. To us, it’s all advertising. And it’s all about constantly shifting gears to keep our clients one step ahead.

To us, it’s all advertising. And it’s all about constantly shifting gears to keep our clients one step ahead.


  • Health & Dental Insurance benefits.
  • Paid Holidays
  • Cool work environment
  • #TBT music day - playing hits from the 80s/90s
  • Snacks!

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